December may have passed, but the time of giving is far from over. Why is that? Well, it’s because it’s (drumroll, please!) flu season! And, as always, people are unknowingly sharing this wonderful virus left and right. They’re coughing on their hands and opening doors, sneezing on tables at restaurants, blowing their nose next to your children in school…
With the sniffles, sneezes and coughs we encounter every day, avoiding the flu virus chalks up to an active effort on your end (mixed with a little luck and a healthy immune system). Luckily, it’s as easy as being proactive.
Hey, hello, hi there readers! My name is Nunzio and I’m one of Dr. Smarty’s top assistants. The good doctor asked me to step in today to remind his friends that it’s that time of year again, the time for sniffles and sore throats, sick days and the all-too familiar whine of “I-Can’t-Go-To-School.”
To most likely avoid this, you can bring yourself and your children to get the flu vaccine at any participating locations such as pharmacies and grocery stores. Just look for announcements in your area!
By receiving the flu vaccine, you are helping your body become immune to the influenza virus. But what does being “immune” really mean?
Allow me to explain…