Tag Archives: Medical

What are Blood Types and Why Are They Important?


Another great question, this one comes to us from Blake on Twitter!

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A Sneak Peek of What’s to Come

With the launch date within eyesight, the team and I thought we’d give you a sneak peek of what’s to come.

As you know, DrSmarty.com will bring together children, parents, medical professionals and charities across the world. This network is held together by the drive of the never-ending human search for knowledge. It is given life by experts in the medical field and emphasizes the importance of children understanding their bodies and how to live a healthy lifestyle.

Interactive videos starring us (Dr. Smarty, Steph, and the rest!) will explain to your children common medical ailments in a fun way that they will understand. Helpful blogs with tips, recipes, news articles and more will provide parents and children alike with insightful reading.

Catch a glimpse here…

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